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Bath salts: how to use them and benefit from their benefits

February 17, 2022

Les sels de bain: comment les utiliser et bénéficier de leurs bienfaits - RUNAK

A bath treatment to calm down!

Salt from the Dead Sea, Epsom, Maras, Himalayan rose…. Sea or river salts are rich in minerals and trace elements which give them a real calming power for the skin and mind. The salt added to bath water allows skin absorption of its components. Regularization of blood pH, purification of the body, reduction of inflammation... Indeed, their properties are numerous and enhanced with the use of plants, clays and essential oils .

How to use bath salts:

  • Pour the recommended quantity depending on the type of salt into a bathtub filled with hot water (ideally 37 degrees Celsius)
  • Bask for about 20 minutes to allow the skin to absorb all the active ingredients from the salt
  • Take advantage of this comforting experience to ease tensions and restore peace of mind

The benefits of bath salts on the body

A source of minerals and trace elements, bath salts are renowned for their remineralizing power. Mineral deficiency is common and affects all skin types as well as hair, resulting in a lack of hydration and firmness of the skin. Bath salts act as a mineral supplement for the epidermis and provide healthier, younger-looking skin. In fact, their components increase the skin's defenses, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin and promote the drainage of fluids. Excellent for heavy and tired legs! Do not hesitate to immerse your hair to regain hair shine.

As each salt has specific properties depending on the concentration of minerals and trace elements present, we can associate, among others, Dead Sea salt with moisturizing properties and Himalayan salt with detoxifying properties. and Maras salt with energizing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Additionally, bath salts have a remarkable ability to treat and soothe skin irritations, including psoriasis and eczema. They are also well appreciated by irritated skin to relieve itching and promote effective healing. A great way to soothe the skin during the changing seasons and prepare for the arrival of the hot season!

For a long time, salts have been used to relieve pain related to joints and tensions (muscle cramps, arthritis, rheumatism, back pain). Their components, notably magnesium, give them this ability to relax muscles and reduce inflammation. This is why you feel so good and relaxed after a hot bath with bath salts.

The benefits of bath salts on the mind

The bath is above all a privileged moment to relax, but also to take care of yourself. Goodbye fatigue and tension! Beyond its benefits for the physical state, bath salt acts on well-being by reducing stress and encouraging letting go. The liberating effect on the mind can greatly contribute to reducing psycho-emotional symptoms such as anxiety, anguish, worry... In addition to hot water, a salt bath is a real moment of relaxation, promoting falling asleep and a peaceful night's sleep. This is why it is ideal to take a bath in the evening, before going to bed. Perfect this moment of relaxation with lit candles and soothing music.

Enhancing bath salts with essential oils

The addition of essential oils to bath salts is common in order to increase their relaxing power. The oils are then chosen according to their desired therapeutic effects. Lavender, fir, rose, citrus… the possibilities are numerous. Additionally, adding clays, seaweed or milk powders is a popular manufacturing process for bath salts. There really is something for all tastes and needs!

Runak’s relaxing Maras salt bath

From the Maras salt flats that overlook the Sacred Valley of Incas Peru, Maras salt is what we use to make our bath salts. It is a unique river salt in the world, recognized for its anti-inflammatory, energizing and analgesic properties. The relaxing Maras pink salt bath contains Himalayan salt, Patchouli and Rosewood essential oils . and oat powder.

A regular treatment with the relaxing Maras salt bath provides relaxation and remineralization of the body. A real ritual to integrate to prepare the skin for the hot season!

To learn more about Maras salt, visit one of our previous articles: A magical, energetic and sublime place Maras .

Other products made from Maras salt:

Runak wishes you to take advantage of this moment to take care of yourself!

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